Friday, January 4, 2008

Color Theory

These posts are about color combinations, not about painting technique, which is different.

Color Theory 1 for Cartoons- Garish versus Warm

Color Theory 2 - good color without a lot of money - Art Lozzi HB

Color Theory 3 - neutral or natural colors

Color Theory 4: Pee and Poo colors versus Colorful Greys

Color Theory 5 - eye relief

Color Theory 6 - Montealegre - Lion Hearted Huck

Color Theory 7 - color isolated from detailed technique-Yogi Bear "High Fly Guy", 1958

Color Theory 8 - Art Lozzi - Snorkasaurus Hunter - salmon morning

Color Theory 9 - BG Color: Donald's Diary

Color Theory 10 - Funny Bunny and the technique of Soft Fuzzy Fur

Color Theory 11 - Mel Crawford's Secret Color Sense

Color Theory 12 - Happy Colors

Color Theory 12 - J.P. Miller, Painter of Warmth

Color Theory 13 - Ranger Walks 6 and 7 . building specific variations from a general Idea

Color Theory 14 - Painting: HB Holes and Ruff N Reddy

Color Theory 15 - Follow Up To An Important Concept


  1. Hi John,

    Thanks very much for assembling these in an easy to reach place!

  2. this post just comes on the right time :) handy for my graduation project! thanks a lot!!!

  3. I just want to say, thank you so much for putting the time into writing these posts. I remember watching cartoons like Samurai Jack and Yogi Bear growing up, but I'd forgotten just how beautiful those shows were. I read through all of these four days ago, and have been working feverishly to try and capture a tenth of the magic the pictures you posted had.

    Here are the two pieces I've done so far:

    I plan on doing more- this has been an absolute revelation for me.

  4. hello John!

    Awesome blog you have here.
    thanks a lot!


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