Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cartoon College

Cartoon College Year 1: My Ideal Cartoon School

Cartoon College Year 2

Cartoon College Year 3

L.O. 6: Analyze and Check your Layout against the storyboard. a sample lesson from secret cartoon college - using words to analyze an image

Cartoon College for Free

Some Results From Cartoon College


  1. Why sell it? Start your own private lessons and have the students get their own materials. It could be an apprentice/classroom style of training. Start small, maybe just a few, and work up to a handful of students to train and release into the wild...I'll be your 1st gineau pig! :)

    And i know how to set up an online learning course. I was taught by on of the best in the state-Mrs. Michelle Pacansky-Brock, she's won a handful of technology teaching awards and taught me how to utilize iTunes U, Voice Thread, Podcasts and Ning to maximize online learning skills.

    You've gotten hundreds of comments from potential students. John, you should make it happen. If so, I'm onboard. Just tell me where to send the application/tuition!

  2. Hold on, cartoon college, what? I'm getting into this right now, so I'll join too!

  3. Once again, give me the word and I'm on a plane there, with tuition in hand!

  4. You say that gesture drawing wouldn't be a part of the curriculum, that goes contrary to uch of what I've been taught. Can you delve into that further? I'm not arguing either way, just want to know what the reasoning is behind that theory. John, please do the school thing online if possible. I wants it!-Evan

  5. What you are supposed to get from gesture drawing, you can learn in 10 minutes from understanding line of action.

    It's more important to learn structure, foreshortening, perspective and anatomy in life drawings-and then to apply them to your cartoon drawings.

    Well, maybe not anatomy so much, except when really needed.

    You don't get anything but wasted time, scribbling quick life drawings. I know this from 30 years experience hiring people who took it in school.

  6. Interesting, that sort of goes along with how I was trained for life drawing, using the sight size method in a classic altier setting. We still did it, but with not as much emphasis. Makes me wonder why when I see animators drawing they have a drawing board that is nearly vertical, as it's easy to properly measure what you're seeing. Thanks John.

  7. I agree. I've learned more about construction from your blog than the hours and hours I've spent scribbling together a portfolio for art school applications.

    You could hire your own students if you did private lessons...hint hint :)

  8. I started at one of the Art Institutes in 2005 and left before the end of the first semester.

    They started me in a computer class years behind what I was doing on my own (since they didn't require a portfolio to get in, they didn't know or care where anyone was as long as they could write a check), basic design (what are the primary colors?), perspective drawing (cubes), world history, and a class that was more or less animation history.

    The animation history was mostly done on paper. We'd get a handout on Walter Lantz or something and it would give a biography and what they did, but we didn't really analyze their work. We watched a few clips and films, but we just watched them straight through without discussing or watching for anything specific.

    If, from day one, I was actually studying cartoon art and construction and basic animation like you've outlined here, I would have stayed and eaten it up. Reading through a few lessons here, in a couple of hours, has been more inspirational and helpful than that entire $5,000 semester.

    It's incredibly refreshing to read this blog and know that there are still people interested in preserving the art of animation, and not just motion-tweening their way through a scene.

  9. John K's blog is my main source for learning about cartoons.. Doing the exercises he recommends has made drawing fun for me again. I would definitely join a school like this!

  10. I urge everybody who has learned anything from John K's blogs to donate $20.

    John's contribution to animation education is immense and incredibly generous.

    John, I think you could raise a lot of capital for projects either through teaching directly and via Kickstarter for specific projects.

    There is a lot of good will out there for you and a lot of people willing to put their money where your mouth is!

    Thanks again, John, and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

  11. John, was wondering where is the best place for me to post my lesson sketches so you can take a look at them. Thanks!

  12. John, Where do I sign up?!? I love your lessons but I know you have more in-depth lessions.


  13. Hello, can I part of your articles and lessons will translate into Russian?
    I will put a link to the source and point of the author.

  14. I have been slowly reading your blog more and more. I must say that I really appreciate the fact that someone like you is doing some positive and proactive work on here. I am an avid fan of Ren and Stimpy and blame you and the show for an early start to my inspiration. I have been doing the preston blair lessons, checking your blog, and continuing to work from life quite a bit. Let me know what you think of my studies so far. I understand you're a busy man, so if you don't get around to it, I can see why. Take care and keep this thing going. There are plenty of people that will benefit from this. I know too many people going to art school are sorely disappointed with what they are offering in this day and age.

    My blog:


  15. Hi John

    I was wondering if you were still doing the cartoon college.



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